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back home! it feels good to be here again, even though i have to admit that (again) i feel a little bit bored already. well, the last two nights of partying in linz (last time i did that was in the last CENTURY) were surprisingly good, but still there's something weird about the whole situation. so many things have changed in the last few months and so many things will change within the next months, maybe weeks. but still, i am here in linz, at the place where everything started and everything seems to remain the same, at the small family bbq in our garden my cousin marlene and me decided that family embarrassments are best handled with alcohol. and indeed a couple of wheat beers really helped to listen to the story about marlene and me aged 7 and 4 on an expedition through the austrian woods in search of goats for the 174th time. it is enthusiastically told on every family gathering by my mother, grandmother and aunt. this time we even managed not to interrupt them by reminding them that they all panicked and totally freaked out and that the whole village was searching for us in the woods for a couple of hours. it just didn't matter today.
What you have become is the price you paid to get what you used to want...
Dude, the same thing happend to me - this stories all the time ...
Wunderbar - wenigstens ist nicht nur mir schon langsam fad!!! Bin dafür, dass wir im August mal eine Intern-Reunion probieren... bis bald mal hoffentlich!!! Grüsschen aus Ischl... woasst scho wer
hallo lilizwi!!
aber auf alle fälle!!! dude, that's a FANTASTIC, AWESOME, HILARIOUS idea!!
am 10. august kommt mich eine freundin aus japan für 10 tage besuchen, da schaun ma gleich am 12. oder so mal runter nach ischl um zu checken ob die führung durch die kaiservilla wirklich so toll ist, wie ich gehört habe. auch für eine größere reunion bin ich jederzeit zu haben. mittlerweile sollten ja alle wieder im lande sein, bis auf den sebastian.... ;-D
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