Saturday, November 26, 2005


the good old threesome decided spontaneously to go to shibuya last thursday. there i bought a new t-shirt. when choosing it (1.30am after a couple of beers), i was quite sure that the animal on the back of the shirt is a bird. but today i had a closer look at the beast and figured out that this bastard does not really look like a bird.

therefore i call upon all honorable readers of my blog to post their perception of this creature...


At 4:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely clear what this creature is dude (from the Dutch point of view): That's a dog on E listening to trance! Give him some coke and he'll feel like a bird.

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually Martin, it is pretty clear that creature is a bird. You should maybe buy glasses..? Or then it's only your curly hair. ;)

At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to be an ancestor of the catfish Namazu, which is said to produce all the earthquakes in Japan (according to traditional Japanese beliefs) as a punishment for bad behaviour. The animal on your T-shirt seems to be more cat than fish, but is obviously fully concentrating on producing an earthquake by hypnotising planet Earth (the round colourful thing it is looking at).

At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

quite clearly this creature is the infamous aöseiltjhaölseghaöslkgnaöslkgnaöslv.

At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...which resides on the middle horizontal row of german computer keyboards and eats commas and colons; sometimes brackets, exclamation marks and apostrophes (if it makes the effort to get on its hind legs to reach that far up. it usually is quite lazy, you see).

how it ended up on your t-shirt, however, i have no idea.

At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting and quite amuzing ideas, but everybody with a slight understanding of zoology can say without doubt that is is a portrayal of a sabertoothfrog

(might also be a sabertoothtoad, but these species are very similar after all)

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6:18 AM, Blogger martin said...

apparently the design of my t-shirt makes some of you guys ascend to transcendently higher spheres.
christoph even lost control over his english skills and was severely critisised by an anonymous poster.
i deleted the post and will not re-publish it until this poster reveals him/herself.
christoph's post is re-published below as writing this post seemed to be a very intense and emotional act for him.
recognising himself in a weird, japanese creature can be an interesting experience for many of us.

furthermore my english skills aren't that good either, but from my point that's not a huge problem as long as i can convey my ideas (like christoph also perfectly did).

At 6:21 AM, Blogger martin said...

Christoph re-published:

yesterday my mother came up to my room. She was upset and it seemd
that her fears would never leave her. Her eys were glasy and I did not know what I was supposed to do now. So I stud up from the chair I was sitting on. I went outside into the staircase and asked myselfe, were that impressive light came from, which I noticed. From somewhere below, from somewhere above our was it just in front of me?
I put my fear to rout and started my way to the source of that light.
It was hard. Harder than everything I ever faced. My feet were hypnotised but I banned my way to see, to feel and maybe to die. The
nearer and nearer I got the more I realized, the more I became aware
of, the more I saw. I came nearer and nearer. One foot in front I
stopped.I turned my head and forced myselfe to face the truth. I just
opend my mind. What I was seeing, what I could feel!
Once there was a great storm I heard, and I waited a long long time.
The future the past and just the present. I saw it and I knew that
everything was all right now everything would be perfect, forever. I just saw myselfe. My eternal selfe just in a moment of frightening.
Yes, I whispered, Everything is all right now.

At 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey martin, i'm really really really sorry - that was me. i thought it was some spam posting (i had problems with that on the old 'jaws' website some time ago) because it (to me) made no sense and (to me) had no relevance to the t-shirt topic. that's also why i did it anonymously - didn't want that spammer to start commenting on my blog as well.

well, quite obviously now, it wasn't a spammer. don't know whether christoph is a good friend of yours (though it seems so; perhaps i should read your blog a bit more carefully) and obviously don't get what he is trying to say, but i sincerely apologize. i didn't mean any disrespect or harm. it simply was a huge and embarassing (for me) misunderstanding.

neither did i want to judge anyone's english skills - you're right when you said: "…that's not a huge problem as long as i can convey my ideas (like christoph also perfectly did)" - but, as mentioned above, at least i didn't quite get those "ideas"... maybe someone can explain and i'll try to be less over-eagerly sarcastic from now on.

At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Das ist ein so genannter Atzekenvogel, den man zuletzt 303 n. Chr. in Teopanzolco gesehen hat.

At 1:16 AM, Blogger martin said...

soooo desu ka!!!
then it's all good.
hereby i appologise for not always believing in the best within people, for not having got the sarcasm and for having deleted the posting (it cannot be re-published. damn blogspot!).

actually, i think nobody of us really gets christoph's ideas in this comment. to me it seems like a very spiritual thing...

perhaps his comment should be the next topic being discussed on this weblog. we all pretend to not know who wrote it and then we start again!! what do you think?

another idea: we discuss max' sarcasm... cause i seriously don't want him to try "to be less over-eagerly sarcastic from now on".

but of course there will be discussions again. i like that!
Thanks for all the creative postings!!


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